Our pricing isn't a secret. The only misting outfitter in the Valley to offer full transparency, we hope the Metro Mist brand and reputation speaks for itself.
Any and all Metro Mist systems are powered by 1000PSI high-pressure triplex pumps proudly made in Minneapolis by CAT Pumps.
While our packages escalate from basic to premium, there are a few, important things you will find standard with any Metro Mist pump. Namely, our pre-entry triple filtration. Exclusive to Metro Mist, your water is filtered three times before it enters your system. Removing calcium, magnesium, and other mineral sediments from the water gives our customers a beneficiary head-start in system longevity.
Also standard is our Metro Mist service program. The day of installation is our first day of work; not our last. Bi-annual check-ups to your misting system are performed ensuring your system stays fresh and functional. Once in the Spring and once in the Fall.
Don't worry about remembering to call us for scheduling. That's our job.
Our 'Good' package calls for an open-air direct drive unit. Weighing about 50 pounds, this pump for lack of better terms, is a bare-bones straightforward pump using traditional piston/plunger technology. It will do what it takes but misses on key perks.
Still, one of the most prevalent misting pumps used residentially and commercially across the valley.
Our 'Better' package is our classic pump and best-seller as it's a happy medium for most customers. Weighing 75 ponds, this is a direct-drive unit with the addition of a fully enclosed, fully insulated housing. The pump's throaty growl is muffled; cutting sound in half. Meanwhile, the pump's components (seals, hoses, crankshaft, gauge, O-rings, intake valves) are offered protection from our rather intense Sun.
With the 'Best' , your system is no longer powered by a direct-drive pump. Rather, a belt-driven pump.
Running at a much lower RPM, this fan-cooled 100-pound giant is not only stronger, but gets it done easier.
Thanks to the combination of being both enclosed and belt-driven, our 'Best' pump is whisper-quiet.
We hope to offer clarity to our customers about our packages. Some folks are interested in the engineering of our pumps
while others are the "just give me my mist!" types. Whoever you are, we hope you feel informed.
Perfect for rock features, landscaping, pool, and garden areas, our fogging system can add visual interest to any space. Shallowly buried under the ground's surface, a 3/8 inch thick nylon tube transports the water from the pump to individual nozzle clusters spread throughout the fogging zone.
Besides looking awesome, secondary benefits of a fogging system include insect repellence, dust suppression, and irrigation support. Fogging systems also tend to work with less water than a traditional misting system; good for those with conservation in mind. A little fog goes a long way! We use nozzle clusters that include 3-5 orifices narrowly arranged to concentrate the fog.
Sometimes, a misting fan is the right solution. Used as an accessory to a proper misting system or as a stand-alone, a fan offers the ability to reach areas with accuracy and full coverage. Deep patios with ample floorspace sometimes fall short in cooling. A fan is the perfect answer. Every bit as "high-pressure", our fans run off your 1000 PSI pump too. Standing five feet, each fan houses 8 nozzles. The fans can oscillate if you'd like. A common choice in the commercial field, a misting fan can bring the cooling you need WHERE you need it.
There are many disregarded misting systems in the Valley. Neglected by old homeowners and not properly maintained, our techs can get you back up and running in a day usually. Common issues we see; failed compression fittings, clogged/worn nozzle heads, intake leaks, broken gauges, and inadequate pressurizaion. We are familiar with all of them. A standard service call includes an hour of our time to diagnose and make any small repairs possible.
We will find an appointment for you quickly. We are a 24/7 shop. Call anytime.